Upendo Junior School

Making the Difference

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thank you all

On behalf of the teachers, children and on my own behalf, I would like to thank everyone who contributed in one way or another towards Upendo Junior School through Emily and Ray. The software, the digital camera, the pens and pencils will all go along way in making the learning and teaching very interesting for all of us at the school. In a special way, I wish to thank Emily and her husband for taking all the trouble to fly out to Kenya to make this happen. Everyone was so happy to have them around and their contribution in setting up the computer room will have a huge impact on the children for many years to come.

With the computer room up and running, we have no doubt that we will be able to achieve our vision in being a model school in our area. I can only hope and pray that our partnership and friendship with Tribalgroup UK Ltd will continue to grow and that we will be able to see the school grow from strength to strength. Our next task is to have electricity in the school and get connected to the internet in the near future.

Once again thank you all and hope that both Emily and Ray will return to you safely and with stories to share...especially one about climbing the Endebes Bluff on top of Mt Elgon!!

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