Upendo Junior School

Making the Difference

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Few Hours Left to 2012... Thank you for 2011

There is something about the promise of a new horizon, a new beginning, a new year that makes us resolve to do more to better one another. At Upendo Junior School we have been busy preparing for 2012 in all ways possible. It is our desire to give the children and teachers a good learning and teaching environment within our limited resources.We would not have been able to do this without the unwaring support of many of you who have selflessly support our cause in 2011. The individual and collective support throughout is highly appreciated.

We held a harambee this year which received overwhelming support from all our friends both in Kenya and abroad. Though we did not hit our target, this has given us an impetus to keep working hard so we can acquire extra land for school expansion and a playing ground.

We have been able to give the roof a new paint coat, changed the school face, planted grass, and painted all the classrooms. And with some very generous donations from some of you, we have already bought food for th new term.

Yet a lot remains to be done. We need a kitchen, a library and most importantly, land for expansion in the new year. We are set to recruit to more teachers as we shall be taking in at least 30 more children this January 2012. We are therefore counting on the continued support of all Friends of Upendo in 2012. I know a friend, Mr Terry Maxwell, has already arranged a sponsorship Jazz in Nottingham UK for Upendo. We hope Kenyans in Nottingham could join in this event.

We take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year 2012!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cake Sale in Nottingham...Message from Mari Hughes

Over the past two weeks, the School of English Studies at the University of Nottingham has been throwing a special feast on our account! Staff and students have been baking away for a cake sale for Upendo! The School annually raises funds towards one teacher here. Below is a message received from Ms. Mari Hughes, the Shool Manager, through our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/ujs.kiminini/):

This is the second week of the cake sale and staff and students have been baking away. We have had some incredible contributions this year - must be the arrival of edible glitter! Two more days to go! We have posters up in the corridor prepared by Denine to let everyone in the Trent Building know what we have for sale and there has been at least 5-6 different choices every day. Becs will total up early next week and let you know how we have got on. Best wishes to you all for Christmas. Mari x

We are very grateful to Mari, Becs, Denine, Stephen McKibbin, staff and students have all contributed towards this worthwhile cause. This Friday, 16th December, is the last day for the sale. We have no doubt that everyone involved would be satisfied with the outcome.

On behalf of the UJS community, we can only say Ahsante sana! God bless you all.

Upendo on Twitter!

Given the importance of communication and the need to reach our friends in real time, Upendo Junior School is now on Twitter under the name @UJS_Kiminini. In Kiminini with modern communication trends, the school is also on Facebook under the name UJS Kiminini. It's the school management's wish to ensure that all our friends and supporters are kept up to date with the goings here, especially when schools open in January.

Let's get tweeting!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Charitable Nottingham University Alumni

Today Dr. Masibo Lumala met with Mr Alexander Mclean, the founder and Director of African Prisons Project (http://www.africanprisons.org/). Alexander is an alumnus of the University of Nottingham just like Masibo is.

Together they talked about Upendo Junior Shool and African Prisons Project. In particular, Mr. Mclean was keen to know the funding challenges Dr. Masibo is currently facing and also to share his experience at APP. After an hour's discussion, it was agreed that Masibo sends him more information. He also indicated that in spite of his busy schedule, he would try and set aside at least two hours a month for Upendo. Dr. Masibo expressed interest to work with APP and to integrate children of prisoners at Upendo Junior School. He also hopes to be taking children to visit prisoner-parents at Kitale Prisons and to help integrate back into community ex-convicts within the Kiminini Community.

The meeting was attended by Coloel Zur Kredo who is accompanying Alexander on his trip to Uganda. Zur was full of ideas on how Upendo can strengthen her fundraising and also how we can work with APP once they get registered in Kenya.

Alexander Mclean with Kenyan prisoners